Our Mission

At Elevate, our mission is to support Black youth from the Weston-Mount Dennis community to achieve their career aspirations and goals. We strive to introduce youth to sustainable career pathways supported by professional mentors, internship opportunities, financial literacy, and career development skills.

Founded in 2020, Elevate is a black-led grassroots organization that was inspired by the lived experiences and challenges of its founders. The Elevate team recognizes that the lack of generational wealth, education gaps, and the lack of social capital can promote cycles of poverty within low-income communities and households. Career mentorship is a life-changing tool our founders lacked as BIPOC youth growing up in low-income neighbourhoods. We are focused on breaking these cycles by fostering a community of support and guidance to empower youth to recognize and fulfill their potential.

Our Vision

Our vision is to increase the social capital of Black youth and see them reach their career goals. We believe that by empowering Black youth, we can inspire a new generation to work towards leveling the playing field and creating a more equitable society.

What we do

Our primary program is a 12-week career mentorship program that exposes youth to diverse career paths. The program includes one-on-one professional mentorship, career development workshops, financial literacy workshops, and experiential learning opportunities. Through this program, we equip Black youth with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers and achieve their goals.

Interested in joining Elevate? Fill out our Early Interest Form now, and we'll keep you updated on the next sign-up date!

Hear from our Past Participants